2018 Agenda
Tuesday, October 09, 2018
InsurTech North is accredited by RIBO – 7 hours Management
1:30 PM
Welcoming Remarks
President and CEO,
MSA Research
1:45 PM
State of the Union. Where are Things Going? Show Me the Money!
Insurance is one of the fastest-growing areas of focus for innovation. InsurTech investment globally was over $2 billion in 2017, a significant number. What is driving this focus? The panel will explore the InsurTech investment landscape – what technologies are in demand, where is innovation happening, where are venture capitalists focused and what is the role of the traditional insurer, looking at both Canada and the world.
General Partner
Eos Venture Partners
Partner, Strategy & Artificial Intelligence, Financial Services & Insurance Leader,
Omnia AI at Deloitte
2:45 PM
Networking Break Sponsored by 
3:00 PM
Wolf Pack - Startup Pitch Competition
Industry insiders put forth the best of their den to take on InsurTech North’s Wolf Pack. InsurTech North’s Wolf Pack will put the startups through the paces and draw out the best. See which startup shows they are strong enough to run with the pack, and maybe even lead the industry forward! Insurtech nominations will come from our supporting sponsors: MaRs, OneEleven, Holt, Form Fintech, and others!
4:30 PM
Marketplace Sponsored by 
Come to the Marketplace at InsurTech North for speed-date style networking. Private conversations open doors to future deals and opportunities. Or join a table where like-minded participants meet to hone in on a particular area of interest.
InsurTech North is proud to be partnering with the world’s largest marketplace for insurtech matching-making, Insurance Thought
Leadership (ITL) and Innovators Edge. Powered by their platform, attendees will be able to easily connect with others at the event,
match up, schedule networking meetings, takes notes from meaningful conversations, and more!
6:30 PM
Cocktail Reception Sponsored by
Welcome address by:
Chief Growth Officer Slice
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
8:00 AM
Breakfast Sponsored by 
9:30 AM
Integration with Incumbents - Breaking the Cultural Logjams
Innovation and disruption are all fine and dandy but InsurTechs and insurers won’t get far unless considerable thought and effort are devoted to integration and smoothing cultural logjams. Overbearing corporate procedures can stifle and frustrate nimble innovators but at the same time, insurers cannot ignore the need for strong governance, regulatory strictures and integration with existing workflows. Join this outstanding panel to understand what each side should expect and what all parties can do to improve outcomes.
AVP, Enterprise Services Strategy & Planning,
Digital Transformation, Sun Life Financial
VP Digital Transformation and Operational Excellence, Desjardins General Insurance Group
11:00 AM
Networking Break Sponsored by 
11:15 AM
Regulatory / Policymaker Roundtable: Can regulators keep pace with the proliferation of new technologies and concepts?
InsurTechs are expected to fundamentally change the insurance industry in the next few years. Innovation is occurring in the insurance chain of value as technological advancements and consumer habits are evolving rapidly. InsurTechs offer simpler products that are more aligned with individual preference and consumer demand than the traditional insurance products. For the financial sector regulators, finding the right balance between fostering innovation while maintaining a level playing field for all industry participants and ensuring consumer protection is a challenge. Moreover, most laws and regulations of the financial sector were developed years, if not decades, ago.
Executive Director, Licensing and Market Conduct Division
Financial Services Commission of Ontario
12:15 PM
Lunch and Marketplace Sponsored by 
Come to the Marketplace at InsurTech North for speed-date style networking. Private conversations open doors to future deals and opportunities. Or join a table where like-minded participants meet to hone in on a particular area of interest.
InsurTech North is proud to be partnering with the world’s largest marketplace for insurtech matching-making, Insurance Thought
Leadership (ITL) and Innovators Edge. Powered by their platform, attendees will be able to easily connect with others at the event,
Match up, schedule networking meetings, takes notes from meaningful conversations, and more!
2:45 PM
InsurTech North Ends
InsurTech North wraps up, but don't despair because The National Insurance Conference of Canada is just getting started. Visit www.niccanada.com for more about our parent conference and conveniently register for both events.